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Caffamacherreihe 8

20355 Hamburg, Germany


Flæsketorvet 68, 1.
1711 Copenhagen, Denmark


No, due to restrictions with how the Marketplace works, when you buy a pack or world it's attached to the dedicated world it comes with.
No, but it's your lucky day! We have several free products on the Marketplace that you can check out, search "Shapescape" to see our products!
Due to how the Marketplace is structured we are unable to give you a refund. You can contact Microsoft directly to potentially get a refund. Read more here:
We may not be in the same timezone as you as we're based in Europe, so it may take us a few more hours to respond sometimes!
In the game menu, click Settings and go down to Storage. Here you will see “Cached Data”, “Worlds”, and “World Templates”. If there is anything related to the world in question mentioned in these tabs, delete it using the option in the menu. Once all mentions are deleted, try downloading the world again. If that didn’t work, try restarting Minecraft, make sure you have enough space on your device’s memory, or restart your device.